An Amazing List of Interesting Health Facts You MUST Know!
Here's something to lighten up your day! An amazing list of health facts you must know!
- Eating Slowly
Your body takes 20 minutes to recognize it’s full.
- Skin, muscles and kidneys
The skin is 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% and even the bones are watery: 31%.
- Red Wine
Has the ability to kill cancer cells.
- Thinking
Burns calories
- Banana peel
Rubbing a banana peel on a mosquito bite can help stop the itching.
- Hot shower
A hot shower can unblock a stuffy nose and help relieve cold symptoms.
- Coffee
Coffee can lower your risk of tooth decay.
- Eating grapes
Eating grapes improves the brains ability to process new information on and thus enhances intelligence.
- Eating strawberries
Eating strawberries may help you to improve vision and reduce cancer risk.
- Man’s heart
Each time a man’s heart beats, he makes 1500 new sperm.
Do you know of other fun, interesting health facts anyone should know? Share it with us today!
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